ICAIR’s first photography competition 2024

ICAIR’s first photography competition 2024


April 20, 2024

The International Centre for Advanced Islamic Research (ICAIR) invites you to participate in our inaugural photography competition, “Faith and Modernity: Seeking the Divine in a Secular Age”. This competition is launched in conjunction with our annual international conference, “God in the Modern World”, which will be held from April 20th to 21st, 2024, at the Jaffari Community Centre in Toronto.

In an era where secularism, postmodernism, technological evolution, and scientific discovery challenge the traditional understandings of religious beliefs and the concept of God, ICAIR seeks to inspire a creative exploration of faith. This photography competition encourages individuals from across the globe to express their interpretations and reflections on faith within the complexities of the modern world through the lens of their cameras. This initiative encourages participants to use their cameras as tools of exploration, expression, and conversation, offering personal insights, reflections, and interpretations of how faith manifests in an age dominated by secular and scientific paradigms.

The competition is divided into two age categories:

  • Under 18
  • 18 and over

We welcome entries from photographers of all skill levels, offering a unique opportunity for budding and experienced artists to showcase their talent and insights on a global stage.

Participants are encouraged to draw inspiration from the themes of the “God in the Modern World” conference, including the role of spirituality in a technologically advanced world, God in the arts and popular culture, and building religious communities in a secular age.

Entries should provoke thought, evoke emotion, and spark dialogue about finding and expressing divinity in a secular age.

The winner and runner-up in each category will receive cash prizes of 400 CAD and 200 CAD respectively. Winning entries will be showcased at the ICAIR conference, allowing participants to gain international exposure.

The International Centre for Advanced Islamic Research WF House, Moorhall Road
Harefield, UB9 6NS
United Kingdom


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The International Centre for Advanced Islamic Research
WF House, Moorhall Road
Harefield, UB9 6NS
United Kingdom


Support our mission to address the intellectual and ethical challenges facing Shi’ism today.

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